By recognizing the importance of businesses as key development actors, the companies C.E.Roeper, Strahl & Pitsch, and Pontes Industria have joined efforts to promote the sustainable development of a remote community located in an extremely poor area of the Brazilian state of Maranhão. The initiative has local cooperation anchored to the NGO Pontes para o Crescimento in order to deliver the work.
The work by this cross-sector partnership was divided into 5 projects which aims to promote economic growth, improve livelihood, reduce inequality and poverty, and protect the environment.
Believing in the transformative power of sports, we are offering football classes for boys and girls. Currently 31 children between the ages of 7 and 19 are enrolled in the classes. Parents have reported that their children became more disciplined. The youngsters themselves stated they are more focused and motivated. Investing in children can result in increased prosperity, diversity and reduction of inequalities.
Having the issue of global warming in mind, we’ve promoted the 3 workshops on environmental education. These events sought to inform and to raise people’s awareness on how their actions could affect not only them but the whole planet. At our last event in August 2022, we could already notice the change in the community’s attitude towards environmental concerns. So far more than 800 seedlings were distributed in the region to restore the native vegetation.
Intensive training on carnauba wax activity were offered to locals. This kind of work builds the capacity on working-aged youngsters and adults, increasing the number of trained workforce. We had 56 participants, a much greater number than expected. We have also noticed the presence of women interested in working in activity.