Since 2016 “Pontes Para o Crescimento” undertakes initiatives designed to empower those who work in the extraction fields, encouraging better working practices, health and safety, and opening up educational opportunities.
Pontes Industria has been awarded Benchmarking Certification for the Programme Pontes para Crescimento by Benchmarking Brasil, and joins the roll of 2019 Brazil’s Best Socio-Environmental Practices. Pontes was selected for Certification under Goal 8 (Decent Work & Economic Growth) of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In its seventh year of the programme Pontes para o Crescimento, Pontes shows once again its commitment to the carnauba community and Caatinga biome, all through the execution of a wide range of hands-on activities.
Socio-educational lectures are taught by a qualified multidisciplinary team, including: Health and Safety Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Agricultural Engineers, Food Engineer, Labour Lawyer, Quality Control Managers, Social Responsibility Team and First Aid Professionals. Its diversity of professionals strengthens even more our work.
The “Pontes Para o Crescimento” team is meeting with the workers in the fields of Ceará, Piauí, Maranhão and Rio Grande do Norte States, facilitating the participation of a greater number of people involved in the carnauba wax extraction.