
Environmental Education

Our Environmental Education Programme connects rural communities of Northeastern Brazil and everyone around the world with our Caatinga. It creates awareness of the issues impacting this biome from which we all benefit, as well as it takes actions to improve and preserve that.

We share essential knowledge, allowing all of us to develop attitudes which generate responsibility towards sustainable living. Our programme offers the skills we need to be creative problem solvers and become good environmental citizens.

Benefits of Environmental Education

To develop critical and creative thinking skills.
To promote the understanding of how decisions and actions affect the environment and to build the necessary knowledge and skills to address 21st-century environmental issues.
To foster tolerance and understanding.
To enhance sensitivity, appreciation, and respect for the environment.
To reduce stress due to increased time spent in nature.
To stimulate good nutrition.
To promote sense of place and connection through the community involvement.
To improve the level of eco-friendly behaviour through recycling, energy efficiency, rational use of water, among others.
To save money by learning actions to improve costs in electricity, water, waste management, and more.
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