5 dezembro 2024

Pontes receives recognition from the UN Global Compact - Brazil Network for initiative in favour of the Environment

Best practices were presented at a ceremony held during COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, on 13 November.

13th November, Baku - Pontes was recognised for its case study ‘Jornada de Descarbonização’ (Decarbonisation Journey), which deals with the initiatives carried out by Pontes with the aim of reducing its emissions, leading it to neutralise its operational emissions, as well as recognising the plan that was drawn up to engage its suppliers in this decarbonisation journey.  Pontes received the recognition during the ceremony held at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Conference of the Parties is one of the world's most important events for calling various sectors of society to action to combat the climate crisis.

Pontes receives recognition from the UN Global Compact - Brazil Network for initiative in favour of the Environment


“The rationale behind any action we take is that we have to give more than we take from our planet. More than being a responsibility, we see an opportunity as a company to contribute to the preservation of our biome.”

Laís Pontes, Pontes CSO


In order for the initiatives mentioned to be recognised, the company had to be a participant in one of the Movements of the Ambition 2030 strategy of the UN Global Compact - Brazil Network, linked to the area of the Environment: + Water, Net Zero Ambition, and Circular Connection. To take part in the Ambition 2030 Movements, companies need to sign a letter of commitment, taking on public targets related to each area of the Movement they have signed up to and start taking part in a knowledge-building journey to support them in achieving these targets. Projects have been registered between 9 and 30 August. The submissions were delivered to the Movements' participants and advisory committees, then sent to a special evaluation committee made up of experts in the field. The aim of the recognition is to give visibility to and promote actions within each of the initiatives' themes.

For two consecutive years, Pontes has had its emissions verified and published, proving the neutralisation of its emissions (scope 1 and 2), receiving the Gold Seal from the Brazilian GHG Protocol Programme. These achievements were made possible through the implementation of the decarbonisation plan, which includes investments in 100% renewable energy and more efficient equipment. Pontes' commitment to decarbonisation goes far beyond its scopes 1 and 2; it has developed an engagement plan for its supply chain through climate education and the preparation of an emissions inventory for small rural producers.

‘This kind of recognition is not only a way of encouraging good practices, but it also serves to disseminate materials, inspire initiatives around, and connect companies that are moving towards a common goal: protecting the environment,’ believes Mônica Gregori, COO and Impact Director of the Global Compact's Brazilian network.

Good practices were chosen in different categories: Water Guardians, divided into the categories Water Resilience and Basic Sanitation; Climate Guardians, in the categories Decarbonisation of Companies (Large Companies) and Decarbonisation of Small and Medium-sized Companies; and Circular Connection Guardians in the categories Waste Management and Circular Economy.

About the UN Global Compact 

As a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General, the UN Global Compact is a call for companies around the world to align their operations and strategies with ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Launched in 2000, the Global Compact guides and supports the global business community in advancing the UN's goals and values through responsible corporate practices. With more than 20,000 participants in 62 networks covering 77 countries, it is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world. There are also 5 Hubs in different regions of the world and 14 regional managers responsible for the implementation process in a further 20 countries. For more information, follow @globalcompact on social media and visit our website at www.unglobalcompact.org.

The UN Global Compact - Brazil Network was created in 2003, and today it is the second largest local network in the world, with more than 2,000 participants. The more than 60 projects conducted in the country mainly cover the following themes: Water and Sanitation, Food and Agriculture, Energy and Climate, Human Rights and Labour, Anti-Corruption, Engagement and Communication. For more information, follow @pactoglobalonubr on social media and visit our website at www.pactoglobal.org.br.

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