9 janeiro 2023

Pontes at 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15)

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) has been finally adopted. It was a massive breakthrough. We got the world coming together to agree on 23 action-oriented global targets for 2030. It was the biggest commitment to biodiversity conservation ever made.

To be part of this historic agreement was very inspiring for all of us, at Pontes. It gave us an unique opportunity to have an open dialogue on what business action really looks like, what are the policies needed to scale up our ambitions, and what are the common solutions to this global challenge. However, we also brought up that biodiversity is a local issue as well. Each region deals with its own biome and we must address the specific needs of it.

It is also very important to acknowledge the huge business presence in COP15. It just shows that more companies understand the need for a clear roadmap for actions and to act together. More than that, Business asked governments to ensure that companies disclose their risks, dependencies and impacts on biodiversity. We cannot make business as usual. Last but not least, we cannot deal with climate without nature. Solutions to nature are solutions to climate.

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Pontes Indústria